Friday, March 17, 2017


A Different Kind of Post- Nintendo Games vs "Other Games"

If you've read my other blog posts, you can tell I mostly play Nintendo games. All of the games I've discussed so far, barring Bayonetta 2, were developed by Nintendo, and even Bayonetta 2 was published by them. You might accuse me of being a fanboy, whether you're someone who isn't too familiar with games or if you spend most of your gaming time on PlayStation or Xbox. But the fact of the matter is that like most gamers, I only have a game console from one company, and I chose Nintendo.

In the gaming community, it is normal to prefer a PlayStation or an Xbox. The difference between those consoles and Nintendo consoles is that they tend to get more 3rd party games, while Nintendo consoles are primarily for Nintendo games. This is commonly cited as a problem with Nintendo platforms, but to be honest, 1st party Nintendo games cover such a wide variety of genres that 3rd party games aren't always necessary. I think the reason I and so many other people enjoy Nintendo games is that even there's wide variety of games that they make, but they all share a similar standard of quality, attention to detail, and legacy.

In that regard, you might say I'm a fanboy. The vast majority of games that I play are Nintendo games. But 'fanboy' has a few negative connotations to it, which I don't think I share:

  • A fanboy is typically seen as blind to flaws
It may not seem like it when you look at the games I've discussed, but I am very aware of Nintendo games that have flaws. The games I have looked at thus far are sort of "the cream of the crop", games that I consider classics. Even so, I have tried to acknowledge the flaws of the game's I've looked at. I think I'll look at some average games in the future, because that could be interesting.

  • A fanboy attacks those who don't share the same opinion
While I don't really play other consoles, I don't think they, or their games, are inferior. It's all about your preference. I happened to grow up playing Nintendo games and still enjoy them, while some people grow up playing other games. Good for them. No problem here!

For those unfamiliar, I would also like to address the difference between a fanboy and a fangirl. Fangirl is rarely used as an insult, instead as a quirky quality used to define oneself (similar to calling yourself a nerd).

All in all, to those who might say I'm blind to some games by focusing on Nintendo, know that this is just my niche, I'm not trying to imply these games are better than all other games.

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